“It takes just 8 deep slow breaths to transform how you feel. It has been scientifically proven to reduce the amount of cortisol in your body meaning it will take you out of the fight or flight mode”.
Hope you can all start to breathe a sigh of relief as the restrictions are slightly relaxed this week. Our daily walks and bike rides have been our sanctuary on the days when its been more claustrophobic – we certainly know our locals walks well now. It regularly crosses my mind how people are coping living in flats. I’m so glad there is a bit of relief and light at the end of the tunnel especially for those in confined living spaces or living on their own, not to mention the relief on the amazing NHS.
Our teachers have been providing some online services until the studio can re-open again. Whether you are under immense pressure from the lock down, feeling financially worried and unsure about the future or just wanting to keep your existing practice up we have plenty to choose from….
We hope to see you soon!
Amy & The Serenity Barn Team x